Meat Free Monday - Sausage Casserole

Hi guys. First of all apologies for being a bit MIA from the blogging world, but im back with posts written up for this week and ready to reply to comments etc.

I thought i would ease myself back in gently and do this Vegetarian sausage casserole for #MeatFreeMonday.

2 medium carrots
1 medium big onion
1 courgette
1 tin chopped tomato
1 tin baked beans
1 tin kidney beans
4 vegetarian sausages 

Serves 3-4 people

Start by softening the onions, carrots and courgettes for about 4minutes. While your doing this cook the vegetarian sausages according to the instructions on the pack.

Once they are soft without being brown and mushy add the kidney beans, stir in and leave for another minute.

Next add the tinned tomatoes, baked beans, a sprinkle of mixed herbs and give it all a good stir and leave to simmer gently until the sausages are done.

Once the sausages are done cut them up and add, stir in and serve :)


1 comment:

  1. Hi :) I've nominated you for the Liebster Award - for info :)
    Gena x
